Sunday, November 4, 2012

Orphan Sunday

It's been a long time since I have posted anything in this sphere, so I don't know how many people actually may read this. But for the few that may stumble upon this space, I hope that you will read this story by a friend. I have followed her blog, Every Bitter Thing is Sweet, for years now and the wisdom and love for the Lord that she shares is so inspiring and refreshes my own faith. The story that she shared today though takes my breath see the way that the heart cry/prayer of an 8 year old adopted daughter who has prayed so boldly for her friend that was left behind, that her friend may find a the prayers of Sara's own friend for a literally brings tears to my eyes to see the framework of this story that God has woven together. It is a testament to Him, to His love, to His redemption, to His immeasurable glory and hugeness - that the small boxes that I compartmentalize my faith into are burst asunder in the face of such a Love.

Please read this story and consider sharing. I know it is one story of many of the amazing things that our God does, but I ask that you would consider sharing all the same. Many thanks.

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