Thursday, January 14, 2010

Haiti Disaster

The earthquake that ravaged Haiti has left thousands upon thousands of people devastated.  It is heartbreaking to hear the news and see the images that are coming out of this tiny impoverished country and how utterly hopeless the situation seems.  It helps to know that there are many non-profit organizations that are working diligently to provide aid and relief to the people and that the money we are blessed to have can be given to these organizations to help them alleviate the disaster.

Blogger released a widget today that links directly to the American Red Cross and I have posted it here on my blog.  Other organizations that are taking donations to help the relief effort are World Vision where you can either donate directly to the relief effort or sign up to sponsor one of the thousands of newly orphaned children.  Hope International, is a non-profit micro-finance organization that is also taking donations and prayers for the people that they work with in Haiti.  Catholic Relief Services is another organization that I have donated to before (after the tsunami that devastated Thailand, Indonesia, India and other islands in the South Pacific) that also is taking donations for the relief effort.  There is always the danger of scam organizations that pop up, but these are some reliable and trusted organizations that I feel safe giving to and so wanted to pass on the links.

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